Free Employee Performance Review Template

Grab this free template to conduct more productive performance reviews.

Help your team become more productive and engaged with better performance reviews.

The outdated method of annual performance reviews isn’t working anymore. In order to retain your people and build a productive workforce, performance management has to be done often and with intentionality. Use this free template created by HR experts to conduct your next performance review meeting.

The Employee Performance Review Template Includes Three Sections:

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Areas for Review

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Strengths and Areas for Improvement

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Looking Forward

Set Clear Goals

Performance reviews aren’t just about identifying strengths and weaknesses. They’re an important opportunity to set goals and track the goals set previously. Grab the Free Employee Performance Review Guide for ways to approach improvement and goal setting.

company culture
Culture building session

Accurately Measure Performance

Many performance review systems are missing a measurement tool. Use this scale to help gauge which areas need improvement and where employees are excelling.

Do More than Check Boxes

Use this template to take the answers to your questions a step further by expanding upon each criterion with supporting examples. This template guides you through every step of the performance review process in order to illustrate an accurate picture of your employee’s performance.

company culture
Performance management is crucial because it helps everyone in an organization understand what they’re supposed to do and how well they’re doing it. It’s all about making sure employees’ efforts are aligned with the company’s goals, leading to better work performance. This process isn’t just about identifying areas for improvement; it’s also about setting clear goals, offering feedback, and providing opportunities for growth and learning. When done right, performance management can boost productivity, improve job satisfaction, and keep everyone moving in the same direction. This creates a positive work environment where continuous improvement is part of the culture, making the company more competitive and successful in the long run.

The frequency of performance reviews can vary depending on the organization’s needs, culture, and the nature of the work. However, a good rule of thumb is to conduct formal performance reviews at least once per quarter. Quarterly reviews strike a balance between the detailed, sometimes overwhelming nature of annual reviews and the need for timely feedback that supports continuous improvement and agility. This approach allows managers and employees to set short-term goals that are aligned with long-term objectives, adjust strategies as needed, and address challenges before they escalate.

The duration of performance reviews can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the role, the level of detail being discussed, and the format of the review process. However, a general guideline is that performance reviews should last between 30 minutes to an hour. This time frame allows enough space for a comprehensive discussion without being overly lengthy or draining for either party.

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